C-Root Leak Seal is filled into the rubber dam gap to seal the
gap and play an isolation role effectively. It adheres to wet
surfaces such as rubber dam, gingival tissues, teeth, and metals,
making it the ideal choice when securing an adequate seal proves
challenging with compromised teeth and/or roots.
Fix rubber dam leaks and provide a protective
seal during porcelain repairs
Precision Application
Apply strategically into undercuts, below implant bars, and precision attachments
Prevent locking issues
Safeguard against cold cure acrylic or impression material filling empty spaces
No setting time, Rinse with water after use
Ideal for intricate work, adeptly blocking out spaces during precision-driven impression procedures
Liquid-proof and liquid-resistant, forms a robust protective seal, shielding the gingiva from potential exposure to peroxide or hydrofluoric acid
Seamlessly adheres in challenging wet environments, including underwater and in the presence of saliva